Dustin and family are moving back to their home state, telling me he had a job offer that was too good to pass up. He will be missed at our beach. Good surfer. So this board is for sale.
This board is 9'7 x 23 1/2 x 3 1/2. Very old school styling. Locally shaped in Sunset Beach by Dan Johnston of Blind Dog Surfboards. Very lively and fast for its size. Weight is 26 pounds. Epoxy resin and fin box.
These boards sell for 1000-1100 new without a fin. It comes with an $80 Takayama Noserider Fin and 9 foot leash.
Any respectable offer will be considered.
910 471 1576

Here are some pics of me with the 9'7 noserider.
Testimonial (if you want it on the site) - dj...of course we do :)
This board has been a game changer for my style and progress as a surfer. Not only is it the most lively board I have ever ridden, it turns easily and paddles very efficiently.
The trimming section of the board has been the most pleasant surprise, as I am easily able to blast through flat sections and whitewater while standing about a foot or two back
from the nose; allowing me to make the tricky inside sections on day when the waves are lacking poop.
Cheater fives are really fun on this noserider as it accelerates very quickly for me from this position. I could not be happier with my purchase of this Blind Dog stick.
I get many positive comments at my local break and many smiles from old school longboarders and true admirers of the sport and craft of surfboard shaping.
Thanks to Dan for shaping what I think is his best board to date, and to both Dan and Tom for spending time in the water with me helping me make informed decisions on the right
board for my style and the waves in this region.
Dustin Williams